Just Another Shot

___Artemisia Absinthium___

" Absinthe, The Green Fairy "

I feel like, i would really like to be the only person who knows about this item, it has so many mystic. It's a kind of this things you wanted to be part, is Absinthe..maybe if you had a adolescence like me, you probably try many stuffs just to know how does it feel, it taste, what will be the reaction!!

Well at the age that i have i'm still feeling on the mood of still trying things, so...i already have my order, of this liquor.

I found some related videos so..ok..im going to put it, for you to enjoy it, you know who i'm talking about.

Bram Stoker's

How to Prepare Absinthe.

A kind of an Erotic TV Commercial.

Well..i'm just waiting for my drink early, i will let you nknow how does it taste and the reaction of my mind.

Time is Going So FaSt!!!

A couple of months had passed, and everything is getting worst..i mean i never thought that everything it was going to get better but well....i found a pictures, pictures from 9 years ago ..where we were living La Vida Loca ..Yeah!!! we were in Top!!! we used to make business with people who rockS the MARKET, even we had guest artists in our Events like Alfredo Adame who was in Comfot 9 years ago....jajaja...!!!

I don't really know how does it feel my mentor R.R.H but fuck.. fuck!!! .....is a fucking shame that happend to us, i know that many people in present time is suffering about this shit...but regrettable really regrettable... i think she don't even notice when she began having mistakes ..don't notice that she was getting so many expenses... she just could'nt fit in the new way of make business..technology.....wow....it's amazing how develops daily ...and actually is really cool to live this ..but..business are not the same like 30 years ago...!!

But a business that LIVE 32 years is not easy to get, So you still been my Captain!!!


!!! I miss you !!!

Death & Taxes!!!!

Beautiful Way of spend money...jaja...!!!

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