Just Another Shot

Jose Vasconcelos's Library

On sunday i went to know the new library jose vasconcelos, i've read on the news a really good notes about this library, i really love architecture so i couldn't miss the pleasure of see this great project.

Believe me...it's amazing it has 4 levels.. i mean.. the one of the access and 3 more, it has a good design, it's really spacious, it really inspires to study...!!!

There are many computers, all of them with broadband and also there's a Wi-Fi lan, so if you have a laptop you can go to spend some time doing work or homework or just having fun.

It really likes me the way it's well-off, it has many rooms some of them it really looks like a lofts, the furniture is so comfortable that maybe you will get a good nap if you are tired.

There's a lot people to help you to find the things you are loking for, so don't have to suffer to find some book.

It has many services like newspaper library (Hemeroteca), Novelty room, bookshop, children's library, youngs library, exhibition area, virtual museum, music room, science room, languages laboratory , auditorium, botanical garden...what else???? ohh....conference room among other things...!!!

In the 3rd level not everything is finished but i think in a couple of months everything is going to be on 100 %, not even the botanical garden is finished, but it's going to be a big one.. so.. we can wait to see it finished!!!!

In the middle of the library, hanging on.. there's a jurassic animal, being honest i don't really know the species of it, but it really looks cool.... jajaja...

The Architects who win the project and made it are: Alberto Kalach and his team, Juan Palomar, Tonatiuh Martinez, and Gustavo Lipkau.

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