Just Another Shot

##_Pandora Music Project_##

Today i heard in a podcast that there was a new music project called Pandora, just for curiosity i entered to the site and you know what???

I really like the site!! i found a site with 10,000 different artists that with the simple fact that, just put the name of the artist , it will search in a list of songs, that are in the data base and begin sounding and if the song doesn't likes you, you will find songs of the same kind of music.

You can create a free account , and if you have some free money you can buy a membership, where you will forget about the ads...also you can save the music that likes you and create a favorite music page.

The link: www.pandora.com

I found a limiting, then of some changes of music you can't keep changing the music, it appears an
announce that for question licences you just can listen music but you can't change it.

I think they try to make you get a membership, but i'm still thinking that it's a good investment.

I think the variety of music makes of this site a good one, try it and enjoy it!!

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