Just Another Shot

_Father's Day..a 6 years before Lovely Memory_

Tomorrow we'll be celebrating a Father's day, is great ..I' mean i dont have idea why is not so important in marketing stuffs as mother's day..... but anyway we try to really celebrate our father.. it's cool to have a day to all people cebrate the same event.......

To me is a special day.. there's a lot of things that mark our life and 6 years before something happend to me, that reall makes love life.. it's a little secret but i really want to remember it..!!!

I'll never forget this!!!

That's the attitude my Team!!!!!!!

Si Se Pudo Mexico!!!!!!!

Amazing ..this was our first game and mexico team could make our dream true.. it's not the cup, but we really feel so Haaapppyyy!!!!

Come on!!! .... there's too much way to walk, it was a good begining..we can still dreaming, playing and putting our heart in the court!!!!

!!!!!Viva Mexico!!!!

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