Just Another Shot

Just a Dream!!

Well today while i was working i begin thinking how my life in future will be?? , you know.. there's a dream that is being changing the name first ambiente, then ambiente natural, and the one that i'm thinking now is ----ambiente.

Sorry for the dashes but is the name of my dream and well.. we never know, it's gonna be my company and it's one of the must important things that i want to get when i finished my degree.

I don't have idea how i' m going to get the money to make my dream come true but..i know that i'm gonna get it...

I hope i can get it and to know how to make it works...there's a lot of people that surrounds me and of those people i've learned a lot, i mean i'm not the master.. but those people really inspire me and i think i learned how to deal with people, with many things that made a good guy a businessman..

i would love to travel to the meca of this business, there are some specific countries that will help me to open ride in my business... and i hope to visit them to give me a better scene..

Suffering for the Exams!!!

This week i being suffering because i've been doing exams, you know the anguish of being in front of teacher and you, with your face that the only that can express is how donkey you are??

Is funny how people who doesn't study passes the exams, i mean there's people who spend a lot of time studying and there's another one, who the only thing that do, is just to wait for the precise time to take out his accordion and get a good 10.

The only disadvantage is that you didn't know anything...

There's another thing that really bothers me ...why ..i mean why people who has time to study don't really do it..i mean i arrive to home from work at 8:00 pm and the only thing that i have on my mind is to begin doing homework , then take a 10 minutes break, and then begin studying for exams...

I'll remember when i was a child i just to suffer cause i always went a really bad student my daddy always says to me ...what happend with you i spend a lot of time working to give you a good education and that's how you responds me!!!

Ohh god !! i swear that i really feel bad..but i just couldn't ...i just to make big efforts to get focus, but for the most i studied the most i failed.

well i get sentimental..is better if i continue studying ..please wish me luck!!!

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