Just Another Shot


Today surfing on the web, i heard a new concept..they say something about podcast.....

A podcast what a hell is this????

jajaja...i heard about a new mexican web site.. dixo, when i enter to the site i found a cool place, where they explain that a podcast is something better or at least something who comes from the idea of have a blog, this new idea of make podcast comes when somebody thought that it will pretty cool that instead of read you will listen any kind of program of any kind of subject.

But even better cause you can get the complete programme, the only thing that you have to do, is just download the programme like if were any kind of file, actually the format of this is Mp3 so is really known for all people, then you can enjoy it, at the time you want, in the place you want, the times that you want it.

An also there are many different people making podcast, you can find people from sputnik, sonika, arturo hernandez(mtv),el cha...well many people who has different and interesting things to say.

I found that there's a plug in that allows you to put this podcast in your ipod if you have once of course...and well...i think is something that soon will become really popular..all new things Welcome...!!!!

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