Just Another Shot

100 Años, 100 Sillas from Vitra Design Museum.

Mexico city had the great oportunity of see, one of the most important exhibitions in the world.

100 años, 100 sillas was the exhibition which arrives from Germany, and for all lovers of Furniture, Architecture and design was a big opportunity of enjoy the history of a part of design, Chair design and their develop.

Some of Vitra History.

Rooms, furnishings and objects exert a strong influence on people’s well being and mood. Vitra produces furniture by major designers such as Jean Prouvé, George Nelson, Charles and Ray Eames and Verner Panton but also works together with contemporary designers to make the home and work environments comfortable, productive and inspiring.

The international company Vitra is headquartered in Switzerland and operates with its own companies in 14 countries. It was founded as a family-run business in 1950 and has been successfully developed and expanded under the reins of Rolf Fehlbaum since 1977.

In 1989, Vitra Design Museum was brought to life under the direction of Alexander von Vegesack. A cultural institution independent from the Vitra company, the museum fully covers its own budget through travelling exhibitions and publications. These exhibitions have played a major role in the international popularisation of design and architecture.

Vitra In Mexico.


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