Just Another Shot

*___Nikon or Canon & a little bit of Luck___*

Well..my firts shots were doing with a Canon Rebel 2000, a really good camera that i had to change for enter to a digital world..i really miss it's speed, it was a really good camera.

Now a days i'm shooting with my kodak DX6490, it has an amazing zoom great stability, i love her, but there's something that i don't really like it, it's a little slow, so when we have a 2 second opportunity to take a good picture i always lost it.

So i been thinking in spend some money buying a Pro Camera, looking in the market there are two expensive options:
NIKON D50 (beautiful)

by the other hand.......

Canon Rebel XT.

The first one with 6.1 effective megapixel really, really Amazing
Canon 8 megapixels another great option.

But there's another thing.. i don't have the money to buy it, but.. but ...jajaja... i have an opportunity, i'm thinking and maybe my Cute boss Rosa Elena will let me paid a new camera in instalments...

So if She give me the chance, i'll be very happy!!!

So I need a little bit of Luck!!!

God Come On.... I need You!!!

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