Just Another Shot

!!!!!!!!________MoM gOtS cRaZy_______!!!!!!!

Yesterday... when i came back home, i was received with a bunch of Pots... a NeW PoTs.

Well.. actually a really modern and cool pots.. my mom told me that she change the pots in a shopping center, she just had to spend a lot of money and she receive in change, a kind of stickers with monetary value.. with this stickers and a difference of money, she gots her new Kitchen Tools..

She was So Excited!!!

Being honest... i thougt there were common, but reading the use instructions and the details of this ones, i realized that there were a really nice ones, there are made in Germany, and checking in his web page; i realized that they are a big company who spends a lot of efforts developing this kind of products, even i could understand that they have designers for many of his products..

Mom doing some tests with the mixer....

They have Gourmet products, that actually excite me too, cause i really love products of Design for Home.

The brand is WMF and here we have the link: http://www.wmf.de

They have a coffe and tea section and i found a really cool cups some of a kind of metal or aluminium and other ones of ceramics.

Actually I prefer ceramic for coffe!!!!

I think im going to make an order early.

Reflect with the little Pot!!!

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