Just Another Shot

Rober a new Flickr User!!!!

Black & White, originally uploaded by This is me,then....

This is one of the first group of pictures that rober upload, i loved this picture i think is full of actitude....Great Picture Rober..Love You!!!


This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

A DragonFly Dream!!!!

It's been a long and hard week, dad.. it's getting better, but he has some complications and we
really miss him, i believe in gOd!!...and i'm pretty sure, he is gonna take the best desicion.

Yesterday i had a dream, going out from my building everything was really dark and in the tree which is out from my building, i could see that it was surrounded for a lot of blue dragonflies
just giving us, this beautiful light that they emit.

I remembered i really wanna touch it, but they really fly so fat that i couldn't get it, finally
i began praying in front of them....it was a really weird dream..just investigating on the web
i found that to dream with dragonflies means many stuffs but in general they are really good

According to http://www.sleeps.com/dictionary/ddd.html this are the meanings when you
dream a Dragonfly.

If you dream that a dragonfly lands on your body then you will have excellent news from
someone far away from home. If you see a dead dragonfly, then the news will be bad.

A dragonfly perched gracefully on some other object shows that you will soon be having guests
that may be hard to get rid of.

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