Just Another Shot

@_Kai Fu Lee in GoOgLe China_@

Well.... i want say something, i thought that just in my country politics were a shit, but i can't believe that in china with all the technology that they had developed they will have this problem...

I'm not pretty sure about this cause i'm not an politic expert.... but yesterday, i was checking the news (New York Times) and i found that google was having problems with his site in this country, cause they have a hard rules about some of the topics...

I read that topics like Tibet are not found it in google china (google.cn) for obvious reason, i mean they (google) was force to make a special algorithm or something to block some topics, it's a shame that with the develop that they have, with the culture and the whole stuff about to be a big power they can not speak about everything...

People of Google..well just executives had an interview with Kai Fu to talk about this and he answer of this way:

The Chinese students he meets and employs, Lee said, do not hunger for democracy.
"People are actually quite free to talk about the subject," he added, meaning democracy and human rights in China. "I don't think they care that much. I think people would say: 'Hey, U.S. democracy, that's a good form of government. Chinese government, good and stable, that's a good form of government. Whatever, as long as I get to go to my favorite Web site, see my friends, live happily.' "

The idea of personal expression, of speaking out publicly, had become vastly more popular among young Chinese as the Internet had grown and as blogging and online chat had become widespread. "But I don't think of this as a political statement at all,"

"I think it's more people finding that they can express themselves and be heard, and they love to keep doing that."

And i think is true.. with the web an all the communication tools is almost impossible to not to be expressing ideas..

Kai Fu Lee
Head of operations for Google in China.

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