Just Another Shot

I Never Thought That This Will Happend!!!!

There's something that we always give it for fact, Live.............we just live every single day without notice, How wonderful is to wake up every single morning...with all the things for do, just few times we notice that to live and begin a next day is a BIG BLESS.

Yesterday daddy, the day was so weird for me, and everything happends in seconds, mom called me and told me that you were in hospital, that the doctor said you must stay there to get better cause you were in a bad welfare state, with all the events that happend in my day, i just thought that everything was ok and you will return early, without realise that you will stay in a really bad health..

I was so stupid....i thought you were going to comeback with a bunch of medicines as many other times....and what happend.....that you get worst and you couldn't come back, i'm sorry daddy to didn't go to see you, i gave... like a fact... that you will come back as always..i didn't see that in a moment i would lost you!!!!!!

So Sorry!!! Excuse me Please!!!!!!

All fucking night stay like a zombie, feeling me, the worts of the son's and feeling a fucking fear to arrive early to the hospital and the doctor will gave me a bad notice....i just want to say that i was so stupid I LOVE SO MUCH....And i'm very sure that if something will happend this night
i will never excuse myself ....

Thanks God!!! ___you get better and you resist everything....I'm really thankful with god cause let me see you again, i don't remember if anytime, i will tell you the important you are for me, and how bad i will feel me, if you were not with me.

You are more than a father for me, maybe i t will sounds trite , but really... you are my example, my own way of be, you are the best that i lived, to share time with you is so funny, so relaxing, so educational, i never thought that you will be a friend for me.

It's late and i have to go, to see you and i hope to peak up you early.....i hope you will see this early, cause also i choose some of my favorites moments with you, just a bit of thems cause i didn't find many pics, but it doesn't matter cause you are always in my mind and heart...!!!!

Love you Daddy!!!

You Know What?? We are really Lucky God is Always With our Family!!!!!

Salon Internacional del Automovil Mexico.

I was waiting for this for many time ago, finally it arrives and daddy you couldn't come with me, i really miss you , but i hope you 'll be better early, you know that it wasn't the same without you, and i know next time we are gonna enjoy it together...

Well...i never thought that a ford Shelby will be on this event, just wonderful,

i mean everything was an orgasm, i can remember at this time all the cars but Lamborghini WOAO!!!

Im going to put some pics i hope you enjoy it as i do.

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