Just Another Shot

"_Salazar Breakfast_"

Today i have the opportunity of go with my family to an old town near df, it's really special to me cause it has an old story, well...actually the story is from my dad, i'm pretty sure my mom didn't know, but my dad knows this place because of a girlfriend he had when he was a teenager.

So instead of this.. it's a pretty place, it has a cute creek ,now a days is dry because the weather but normally it's a green place.

We usually go with a lady who has a quesadillas bussines, there are delicious ones, it has a great taste and a good price, today was a hole crossing, my sister arrives today at the morning with some drinks on her self and my dad ask me if i wanted to go to this place to take breakfast and of course i said ok daddy lets go...

My mom and little sis get prepared and the crossing began, the thing was that for arrive to this place we have to take highway and of course there are some bends on the road, my sister the one with the hangover problem began to feel bad, so.. we had to make some stops on th highway.

Finally we arrived there, an everything got better we take breakfast, my sister throw up and i

began my bussines, to take some pics...my sis it's gonna kill me, when she discover her picture on the web but i hope she will forget me!!!

I take just a few pics cause i forget to empty my memory card, so here we have some ones, the others you can find it in my flickr badge...if you have curiosity!!!!

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